Monday, May 21, 2012

Whats in the name ?

Whats in the name you ask? Name is not everything after all. We all have names we dont like. We get along just fine.

Well, you see - unlike your own name which may not be your fault entirely, a firms name is a reflection of your own self, a product of your own creation and your suo-moto calling card. If you want to be scientific about creating a successfully venture, the name is where you need to start.

Great brand names have high economic value. Especially in consumer products business. A short, snappy and easy to recall name will stick longer leading to higher brand valuation.

The question is how do you create that perfect name. Given the rate at which new domain names are being registered you are unlikely to stumble on a simple catchy (existing) word with great recall which is not already registered.

You can employ an expensive naming firms which can create the name and whole branding and logo for you. If you don't haven to have a spare $100k it will be a problem.

Needless to say, I have been grappling with the issue for some time and the need for action is leading to a state of desperation. I do have some ideas, but as it seems none of them are original. It seems some pot luck is essential !

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Call it a reboot, but this blog needs a serious jump start.

Why ? Its because a blog is more than just a platform to rant-ify your views or gaining unwarranted attention. Its about sharing and bringing to life experiences which would go unnoticed if not given a medium to be expressed.

What I did realise in Paris exactly a decade ago is that writing down your experiences and sharing transforms these experiences into a living form of their own. Its like, you can see them, touch them, zoom-in, zoom-out, and get a perspective.

And today, I find myself in a similar position where I would want to get a perspective on the next big project I'm about to embark upon. A risky one at that which would need careful planning, discussions and above all flawless execution. No, its not con act, although there is a fear it may come to that. Its an entrepreneurial project which I shall disclose in due course, .i.e. if you keep reading between the lines.

So here is to a re-boot of Capitalist Musings. May it go forth and fructify !