What it is
It is madness, says reason
It is what it is.. says love
It is unhappiness, says judgement
It is nothing but pain, says fear
It is hopeless, says insight
It is what it is.. says love
It is ridiculous, says pride
It is frivolous, says prudence
It is foolish, says caution
It is impossible, says experience
It is what it is.. says love.
(So says Erich Fried)
This argument between heart and mind reminds me of the "man of science" vs "man of faith" impasse in "Lost". These are the two polar faculities which form the foundation of any living soul. Like two pillars which help wither any storm and keep the castle afloat. A strong faith (without even being overtly religious) gives you a strong backfoot and a backbone. A sharp analytical bend gives you cutting edge to rise above the clatter which is our day-to-day life and grow as human being.
In developing these faculities over time we have to define how we are going to balance these. Overtly faithless or overtly hopeful. What amazes me still is that love is the only thing which fails both.
I guess, it is what it is...
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