Saturday, May 19, 2012


Call it a reboot, but this blog needs a serious jump start.

Why ? Its because a blog is more than just a platform to rant-ify your views or gaining unwarranted attention. Its about sharing and bringing to life experiences which would go unnoticed if not given a medium to be expressed.

What I did realise in Paris exactly a decade ago is that writing down your experiences and sharing transforms these experiences into a living form of their own. Its like, you can see them, touch them, zoom-in, zoom-out, and get a perspective.

And today, I find myself in a similar position where I would want to get a perspective on the next big project I'm about to embark upon. A risky one at that which would need careful planning, discussions and above all flawless execution. No, its not con act, although there is a fear it may come to that. Its an entrepreneurial project which I shall disclose in due course, .i.e. if you keep reading between the lines.

So here is to a re-boot of Capitalist Musings. May it go forth and fructify !


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